Home > Artworks > Orlando Arias Morales

Photo of Orlando Arias Morales Spain

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Meridian advented in Potosi Bolivia, in 1954 a few months family trasladsu Cochabamba, and in their first years of childhood discovers his fondness for drawing showing Cognitive qualities, then choose the most of the teachers knew, life and its difficult path of self, full of dreams and nightmares begin to show their work with success, presented in several galleries in different cities of his country s, in addition to...

Exhibitions carried out

  • 2022, Muestra Internacional de Arte Contemporáneo. Castillo Svevo Angioino Aragonese. Manfredonia, Italia
  • 2022, Muestra Internacional de Arte Contemporáneo. Castillo de Monte Sant Ángelo, Italia
  • 2019, Maria Carlisle Art Gallery. San José Costa Rica
  • 2019, Círculo de Ingenieros del Perú. Lima, Perú
  • 2019, Galería de Arte Juan Parra. Lima, Perú
  • 2017, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo. Santa Cruz, Bolivia
  • 2016, IDB Staff Association Art Gallery. Washington, EEUU
  • 2016, Congreso de la República de Colombia. Bogotá, Colombia
  • 2016, Palacio administrativo. Timisoara, Rumania.
  • 2015, Casa de la Cultura de Basozul Nou. Timisoara, Rumania
  • 2015, Galería Guayasamin, Casa de América. Madrid, España
  • 2013, Museo Nahim Isaias. Guayaquil, Ecuador
  • 2012, Museo de Arte del Centro Cultural de San Marcos. Lima, Perú
  • 2011, Sala Municipal. Viña del Mar, Chile.
  • 2010, Grandes Maestros de la pintura Iberoamericana, Centro Cultural Nicolás Salmerón, Madrid, España.
  • 2008, Salón Art Shopping, Carrousel du Louvre. Paris, Francia.
  • 2008, I Exposición Internacional Dolmen de Dalí, Museo Casa de la Moneda, Madrid, España
  • 2007, I Exposición de Arte Iberoamericano Contemporáneo. Madrid, España
  • 2007, IV Feria de Arte Latinoamericano Contemporáneo, Bruselas, Bélgica.
  • 2007, XXII Premio BMW de Pintura, Centro Cultural Casa de Vacas, Madrid, España .
  • 2004, Mención de honor. ACEA. Barcelona, España
  • 2004, Galería de Arte Jadite, Nueva York, Estados Unidos
  • 2003, IV Bienal Internacional de Arte Contemporáneo, Florencia, Italia.
  • 2002, Parlamento Andino. Bogotá, Colombia.
  • 2001, Galería de Arte Signos. Panamá, Panamá.
  • 1997, Organización de Estados Iberoamericanos, Madrid, España
  • 1993, Galería de Arte 825. San José, Costa Rica
  • 1990, Galería La Francia. Medellín, Colombia.
  • 1987, Sala de Arte Edificio las Cámaras, Quito, Ecuador
  • 1981, Museo Nacional de Arte, La Paz, Bolivia .
  • 1979, II Exposición de Arte Boliviano Contemporáneo, Santa Cruz, Bolivia.

Awards received

  • 2022, Premio Internacional Paris. Paris, Francia
  • 2022, Tercer premio Apulia. Manfredonia, Italia
  • 2017, Premio Goya. Barcelona, España
  • 2017, Premio Internacional Galileo Galilei. Pisa, Italia
  • 2017, Mención de honor. Primera Bienal Internacional de Acuarela. Cochabamba, Bolivia
  • 2017, Mención especial, Tercera Bienal Internacional de acuarela. Cochabamba, Bolivia

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Meridian advented in Potosi Bolivia, in 1954 a few months family trasladsu Cochabamba, and in their first years of childhood discovers his fondness for drawing showing Cognitive qualities, then choose the most of the teachers knew, life and its difficult path of self, full of dreams and nightmares begin to show their work with success, presented in several galleries in different cities of his country s, in addition to Colombia in the cities of Cali and Cartagena BogotMedelln in Quito and Guayaquil, Ecuador, Costa Rica San Josde in PanamPanam, Miami and New York U.S. Madrid and Barcelona in Spain, Florence Italy, in Paris France, receiving awards and received by the press and the critics as an outstanding artist.

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